Updates From The Miami-Dade County Office Of Resilience

Climate Champions Team


A message from the Chief Resilience Officer

As we look back, 2020 was one of the most difficult years in memory. Not only did our County and the world have to confront the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated hardships of that shock, but also here in South Florida we experienced the most active storm season ever, along with the hottest year on record. Although we were spared direct hits from a hurricane, the sheer number of named storms was a stark reminder of how vulnerable our County and the state of Florida are to climate change that is fueling more frequent, more intense, and wetter storms. More than any previous year, we witnessed the harsh realities of climate change in 2020, leading us to remain steadfast in our long-standing conviction that the time for us to act must continue to be now.


Update From The Great Plains Institute


Updates From Florida