Fact Sheet

In 2022, SCD relied on sponsor support to:

Significantly expand SCD’s scholarship program, hosting member and student attendance for NPC22 and the APA Policy Leadership conference.

Recognize plans, projects, and leaders through our Annual Awards for Excellence in Sustainability and commission videos featuring the award winners, hosted on our YouTube.

Enhance SCD communications through our new, robust website, and improved management programs for e-bulletins and e-blasts.

Expand the Climate Champions program, with development of the Climate Champions video

Invest in student and emerging professional members, augmenting and diversifying our scholarship program.

Expanded engagement of our 23 private and university sector sponsors, involving sponsor representatives in SCD’s awards jury, webinars, and volunteer leadership.

Grew our social media presence, in accordance with our policy for inclusive, fair, respectful online discussion.

Expanded our virtual educational offerings through partnership with APA divisions and chapters, SCD sponsors, and allied professionals at USGBC, ASAP, and others.

Participated in and led multiple APA technical working groups contributing to APA policy and resources on climate change.

Made strides toward meeting strategic goals by expanding executive committee leadership in these areas: Partnerships, Policy & Leadership, Equity Diversity & Inclusion, and National Planning Conference Coordination.

Meanwhile, we also:

In 2023, we will:

Direct educational grant making to support equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) of underrepresented groups in the sustainability profession.

Host an SCD Climate Symposium focused on key sustainability planning issues and resources.

Support further expansion of the Climate Champions program.

Foster relationships with allied professionals and across APA to create value added content for members.

Host virtual learning and networking events, in support of student engagement and professional development.

Encourage greater sponsor engagement as well as recruit volunteer leadership dedicated to EDI.

Sponsorship Opportunity

The SCD Vision:

Empowered planners creating sustainable, resilient, and equitable communities”

Sponsorship Levels & Benefits

Your organization’s sponsorship of the Sustainable Communities Division provides you with direct access to thousands of Planners and allied professionals who are working at the forefront of their profession.

Please note that the cycle for sponsorship has changed to the calendar year and now offers sponsorship options based on organization size. Equal benefits are offered to all sponsors, regardless of size.

Sponsorship Benefits

(January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023) will include:

  • Logo and searchable full page sponsor feature on new Division website

  • Logo on bi-weekly e-bulletin

  • Recognition at all Division-sponsored events, including the reception at NPC

  • Recognition on all webinars

  • Recognition on social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube)

  • Regular invitations to share content and opportunities on SCD’s cross-posted media

  • Priority for participation in special projects, educational and networking events, and juries

Sponsorship by Organization Size

Twenty (20) or more full-time employees $500

Fewer than twenty (20) full-time employees $250