8th Annual Awards for Excellence in Sustainability

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We want to celebrate your work!

The Sustainable Communities Division welcomes all Division members and non-members to submit a nomination for this year’s Awards for Excellence in Sustainability. There are 10 categories of awards, including a new Student Project award, and changes to the Leadership in Sustainability award:

  • Community Plan

  • Municipal, State, or Regional Plan

  • Policy, Law, or Tool

  • Energy Plan or Project

  • Park, Recreation, or Open Space Plan or Project

  • Green Infrastructure Plan or Project

  • Urban Design Plan or Development Project

  • Student Project

  • Leadership in Sustainability - Organization or Initiative

  • Leadership in Sustainability - Individual

All nominations will be submitted through a web form. You can learn more about the awards on the SCD website, apascd.com/awards, or download the information packet here. If you have any questions, please reach out to the SCD Awards Coordinator, Jenny Koch, at jenniferk@rhiplaces.com.


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APA SCD E-Bulletin - 01/15/2021